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Best of 2020

2020 might well be a year to forget for so many reasons, but as the unprecedented times took their toll on the live music scene, the industry delivered in an abundance of new releases! After much deliberation and hours worth of quality music listened through our final choices for categories of best album, single, breakthrough artist  and 'online live act of the year were picked. Our winners and reasons for their selections can be found below...

Best Album of 2020

FM - Synchronized

Released 22nd May 2020 via Frontiers Records

The British AOR legends released their latest studio album ‘Synchronized’ via Frontiers Records on the rescheduled date of May 22nd 2020. By this point its fair to say the current state of the world we were all living in had embarked on the unprecedented and surreal. So something feel good and positive was certainly needed.


Prior to the album’s release the band hinted that they would be reigniting their 80s styled melodic roots for this one, with comparisons to their 1986 debut ‘Indiscreet’ and follow up ‘Tough It Out’ (1989) soon being made. Over the past decade, since the band reformed, they have been enjoying a revival more akin to the levels of appreciation they should have received the first time round, so expectation levels for this one were high amongst fans old and new.


The ‘Synchronized’ album brings out the best of FM, their songwriting, performance, and the consistently outstanding vocals of frontman Steve Overland. The tracks ‘Ghost Of You And I’ and ‘Angels Cried’ really bring out the range in Steve’s voice, and are prime examples of why they are so highly regarded in the melodic rock world. Not many bands from the 80s era will have a lead singer who’s voice is still as flawless, and if you’ve ever seen the band live you’ll know there’s no studio enhancement required.


Its not all love and heartbreak ballads when it comes to FM’s songs though, the track ‘End Of Days’ echos today’s real world problems, with the opening lines mentioning “fake news” and a broken humankind, reflecting the strange times we all find ourselves in. However there’s nothing downbeat about the album. Throughout these bizarre times it has been my go to beacon of light in an ever increasingly dark world, with the title track ’Synchronized’ on constant rotation in my playlists.


The band’s rock chart success in both the UK and Sweden say all you need to know about their current popularity, especially in a time where physical albums sales are on the decline and digital downloads and streams reign supreme.


2020 will be remembered for so many other reasons, but FM can look back and be proud of an album that has become the reason for so many fans to be cheerful.

FM - Synchronized - Best Album of 2020
Best Single of 2020

In/Vertigo - 'The Night'


Lifted from the EP 'Sex, Love & Chaos' Released July 10th 2020 via Rockshot Records 

Picking the best single of 2020 has been the hardest category to select from, with so many great tracks released it was difficult to pick one stand out winner.


My selection comes from a lesser known Canadian quartet from Calgary called In/Vertigo. A band that would finally release their 4 track EP ‘Sex, Love & Chaos’ to a wider audience in 2020, after the original release back in 2018 had sold out in limited print both within their own homegrown territory and abroad.


Now signed to Italian label Rockshot Records they were able to revamp and polish off their debut which received much critical acclaim on its re-release.


The lead single ‘The Night’ has been described as ’the perfect mix of Blues, Sex, Swagger and Rock n Roll’, bringing you a groovy number like no other, instantly grabbing your attention and taking you on a journey away from whatever troubles life has thrown you. Mixing infectious guitar riffs that melt your soul, the enchanting vocals of frontman Reed Alton, and a sexy vibe you you can’t help but immerse yourself in. This track has hands down been the most played of all the 2020 releases I’ve listened to. If you like well composed songs that have the ability to lift your spirits in the darkest of times then I strongly suggest you check this one out.


If this single and EP is the standard the band have reached already I can’t wait to hear what else In/Vertigo have in the pipeline for future releases.

Invertigo - The Night - Best Single of 2020

Best 'Online' Live Act of 2020

Toby Jepson

Photo: Toby Jepson via Facebook

Now we all know there hasn’t been much in the way of live performances this past year due the chaos that 2020 became. In some respects it’s hard to predict when things will get back to a state of normality, where we can all enjoy gigs and festivals again the old fashioned way. Bans on crowd gatherings have meant artists have had to get creative and embrace technology and social media platforms to reach their fans, and nobody in my book was more committed to doing this than the legend that is Toby Jepson.

What became a weekly live stream across Facebook and Instagram, Toby invited us into his kitchen for an hour or more of acoustic songs, every Thursday night at 8:15 throughout the entire first UK lockdown.

Bringing us renditions of his back catalogue with Little Angels, Wayward Sons, his solo work and select covers of chosen tracks. With assistance from his wife, daughter and later on (when restrictions where lifted) guest appearances from Wayward Sons bandmate Dave Kemp. Toby’s streams became an interactive weekly must see.


With Toby you really got that sense of ‘we’re all in this together’, and as far as unsung heroes go his commitment to keeping us all entertained largely for free during these extremely unprecedented times should not go without mention. In what has been a devastating year for the entertainment industry Toby lifted the spirits of all those who tuned in. Always with a smile and always willing to interact with those who messaged in. Proving once again that music really is the best medicine.

Toby Jepson - Best Online Live Act of 2020

Breakthrough Artist of 2020

Bad Touch

Kiss The Sky released 19th June 2020 via Marshall Records

Up and coming Norfolk based UK rockers Bad Touch burst out of the traps with a bang in 2020, hoping to ride the crest of the wave of success that got them to their 4th studio album. The 5 piece in previous years had taken the UK gig and festival circuit by storm. Performing at the likes of Download, Ramblin’ Man Fair and Planet Rockstock, as well as providing support for the likes of FM, The Answer, Skid Row, and The Quireboys.


Bringing their own style of blues tinged country rock it was hoped 2020 would be the year that propelled them to a wider audience with a tour in support of their latest highly anticipated album ‘Kiss The Sky’. 2020 however, had other plans. With no live tour the band turned to social media to keep their fans both entertained and updated on all things Bad Touch. Even teaming up with renowned producer Romesh Dodangoda for a special mix of their single and cover of Kiki Dee’s 1974 classic ‘I’ve Got The Music In Me’, that was used to raise financial support for the #saveourvenues t-shirt campaign by Marshall Amplifications in partnership with the Music Venue Trust.


The new album ‘Kiss The Sky’ was released on the 19th June 2020, having teased the singles ‘I Get High’, ‘Strut’ ‘Too Much of a Good Thing’ and ’See You Again’ prior to the release, it was clear that this album was going to be something special. With growing support for the band across a vast number of radio stations and media outlets, and even an impressive 400k plus streams on Spotify, it seems good music will always find an audience. In a year where we’ve all been through it, Bad Touch provided a glimmer of hope for the future of the industry post 2020. Being the beating heart for an industry close to flatline, they prove rock is indeed still alive and well.

Bad Touch - Breakthrough Artist of 2020
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